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How Soon Should You Begin Restoration After Water Damage?

Water damage is one of the most common and potentially disastrous problems you can face as a homeowner. If not taken care of immediately, excess water in your home can promote electrical hazards and cause expensive damage to your home’s structure and furnishings. It can even lead to the growth of hazardous mould.

Recognizing the Causes of Water Damage

An integral part of maintaining a safe and healthy living environment is being aware of the potential causes of water damage and knowing how to combat them. Not only can water damage cause visible harm to your property, but it can also promote the growth of mould, leading to the need for mould remediation. Here are some common causes of water damage:

  • Leaking or Burst Pipes: A common cause of water damage in homes is due to leaking or bursting pipes. This could be a result of aging, damage, or pressure changes. Old and rusty pipes are more susceptible to leaks and bursts.
  • Plumbing Issues: Poorly installed or old plumbing systems may cause water damage. Periodic checks and maintenance of your home plumbing structure can help to avoid such problems.
  • Household Appliances: Aging and faulty household appliances like washing machines, water heaters, and dishwashers can cause significant water damage. Regular servicing and timely replacements can help to prevent such issues.
  • HVAC Units: Improperly maintained Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems may cause water accumulation and eventually, water damage. Regular cleanings can help to curtail this problem.
  • Natural Disasters: Natural disasters like floods, storms, or hurricanes which are beyond our control, often lead to serious water damage.
  • Roof Leaks: Over time, your roof can be subjected to wear and tear which may result in leaks, leading to water damage in your attic and other areas of your home. Regular inspections and prompt fixes are necessary to prevent this.
  • Basement and Crawlspace Moisture: Poor ventilation and insulation in basements and crawlspaces can cause excessive moisture, leading to water damage and the need for mould remediation. Dehumidifiers and better insulation can help combat this issue.

When to Start Restoration After Water Damage?

It’s crucial to start your water damage restoration as soon as possible. Once the water leakage has been managed and stopped, this is the optimal time to start restoration. If restoration isn’t commenced immediately, mould and mildew can begin to grow within 24 hours. This can present serious health complications, particularly for individuals with allergies or asthma.

The Consequences of Delaying Water Damage Restoration

  • Structural Damage: Over time, water damage can slowly destroy the structure of your house, causing walls to crack, floors to sag, and roofs to leak. This not only reduces the home’s value but can also pose a significant safety risk.
  • Mould Growth: Mould grows in damp conditions, which water damage provides. It not only spoils the aesthetics of the place but can cause respiratory problems and trigger allergic reactions, particularly in children. Recognizing signs of mould in children, such as persistent coughing, wheezing, and eye irritation, can help in early detection and treatment.
  • Electrical Damage: Water exposure can lead to electrical faults, increasing the risk of electrocution and fire. This can be a silent killer as the damage might not be visible to the untrained eye.
  • Health Risks: Bacteria and pathogenic organisms thrive in damp conditions. Prolonged exposure can lead to health problems such as skin infections, respiratory issues, and other ailments. 
  • Financial Strain: The longer the delay in handling water damage, the more expensive the restoration will be. What could have been simple fixes can turn into substantial repair work, leading to a significant financial burden.

The Role of a Water Damage Specialist

  • Damage Assessment: Water damage specialists carry out a thorough inspection to evaluate the degree of water penetration and damage. They use specialized equipment to determine the extent of water damage on surfaces and in hidden areas.
  • Water Extraction: Immediately after appraisal, they initiate the extraction process to remove accumulated water in the affected area. This operation could range from simple mopping to wet vacuums and pumps.
  • Drying and Dehumidification: Once the excess water is removed, water damage specialists use sophisticated equipment to dry the area, reducing the likelihood of mold growth and further damage.
  • Cleaning and Sanitizing: They thoroughly clean, sanitize, and deodorize all restorable items, ensuring that the area is not only dry but also safe and habitable.
  • Restoration: Lastly, water damage specialists also undertake the task of restoring homes or businesses to their pre-damage condition, encompassing tasks from minor repairs like replacing a piece of drywall, to major reconstructions.
  • Documentation: Specialists from PuroClean of Canada document the entire process meticulously for insurance purposes, providing a comprehensive account of the damaged materials, the remedial measures taken, and the costs incurred for repair and restoration. For more information about their services, feel free to check their website at

How to Prevent Future Water Damage?

  • Regularly Inspect Plumbing: To prevent unprecedented water damage, regularly checking all plumbing fixtures and fittings is essential. Include pipes, faucets, showerheads, and toilets in your inspection.
  • Maintain Your Roof: Since roofs work as the primary shield for your home against weather and external influences, keeping it in good condition is essential. Regular maintenance and inspection can help spot potential leakage spots, preventing future water damage.
  • Clean and Repair Gutters: Blocked or damaged gutters can lead to overflow, causing water to seep into your home and cause water damage. Regular cleaning and periodic repairs will ensure proper water movement away from your home.
  • Install Water Detection Devices: These small electronic devices alert you when they detect moisture levels that could denote potential leaks, overflows, or flooding.
  • Waterproof Your Basement: Basements are prone to water seepage. It’s important to waterproof them to prevent potential damage. This could include sealing cracks, installing drainage systems, or using water-resistant paint.
  • Monitor Your Water Bill: An unexpected increase in your water bill could indicate a hidden leak in your home. Keeping an eye on your water bill can prevent major damage.

To End

In conclusion, understanding the urgency of water damage restoration is vital for homeowners. Quick intervention saves your property and belongings and prevents health risks associated with water damage. You can quickly and efficiently manage any water damage with an experienced and professional specialist, a proactive attitude, and a comprehensive insurance plan.